Monday, October 29, 2007

Full Moon Excorsism

So I am currently in th boondocks. Boondocks being defined as any place that you could wonder off and get lost and die of starvation if you are foolish enough.

I am reequanting myself with working with dirt and plants. I am surrounded by diverse people from many walks of life, beautiful cats brimming with personality, peacocks roaming through meadows while massive rolling forests change from green to a sea of yellows oranges and reds.

I am going to be here through the fall making good money and hopefully doing a lot of healing.

Healing. What a massive concept. It is very interesting how much pain is rippling through so many of my family members right now as well as through my self. M is in rehab and booooy is he in a bad spot. I support him and love him.
WoM SB is falling apart. Quit painfully it seems. Alot of infighting and negativity. Blessings to the ones that are bringing in the positivity.

Fire. I miss my lover. I talked to her today and when I got off the phone I was so sad that I wanted to weep. :( I held that in and then for no reason at all I became so incredibly angry.
Then crazy serendipitously one of my new friends said to someone else in a conversation I overheard, that sadness repressed seems to almost always turn into anger. That was very good to hear. So I am going to go to bed now and let myself weep because I miss my beloved.